Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1000 Journals Project

A few weeks ago at my favorite store in downtown Mystic I came across a book that was titled "The 1000 Journals Project." Inside it was full of artsy drawings and random pieces of text. Naturally, being the artsy person I am, I wanted to read it, so two yesterday mornings ago I dragged my sister downtown with me to buy this book. Since I've had it I haven't been able to put it down. I wouldn't call it a book you technically read, but inside are entries from the two journals that has returned to the project's creator, and also from those who have scanned their entries and sent them to Someguy, the project's creator. For more info on the project you can check out http://www.1000journals.com/. Anyways, it's addicting reading all the pages and looking at all the pictures. It's like seeing into someone else's mind and in the strangest way I now feel like I know some of these people who had contributed to the journal. I feel like I can learn from all of these mysterious teachers, and to say the least, I adore this book. It is probably one of the best purchases I've made lately, and I recommend to check it out. I am now on the look out for these journals, since I would love to contribute to them, but most likely I won't be lucky enough to find one. Oh well, it's simply lovely reading about it. It's just such a neat concept, and it's been my obsession since I bought it. The website also shows more entries and it better explains the project. I have so many favorite pages, but this one is one I really like. Someone took a map of Africa and cut it up to remake a collage out of all the countries. Just something about it is really appealing to me. And well, I suppose that's all.

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. Becca this is truly incredible. I miss you so much. Please do send me an email-- malaikie@gmail.com
    I don't check facebook as much but i want to keep in touch.

    love, malaika
