Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome Back to Reality

September 1st, 2010

Making the change from summer vacation to a new school year is always challenging and today I found myself being forced to make that change. My lifestyle of late nights and freedom has been tossed aside for the time being, and now I am back to a structured schedule. On my return to school I was blasted with the realization of the world that actually existed there. All summer I had been pretending that it was great, not dramatic, and not catty. Well, it's as if vacation never happened: all of that is back, and the silliness in classes is back too.

I was put into a class called Consumer Survival Skills unwillingly, and I'm not complaining because it'll give me my applied arts credit that I really needed, but it's not considered a serious class so everyone in there doesn't really care about the class and some of them were kind of awful to the teacher. To get to the point, it's going to be a long year. My summer was magical, and everyone who took part in sharing this summer with me helped shape that magical summer. Even up until my last trip, it was magical, and now I am back in reality and it almost seems like it isn't enough. What happened to people who wanted to talk about something serious? What happened to respect?

Junior year. I can't say that I'm not unbelievably excited, but I can't say that I'm not worried either. I'm excited for my classes, even if they are more challenging than I've ever tried before, and what also makes me complain is what I missed the most. I just missed seeing people and having more face to face conversations with the people I've always known. When it's summer little effort is made to speak face to face if you know that you'll see them soon. Ah whatever, time for some homework, but please, tell me how your first day was!

With Love,

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