Monday, August 16, 2010

Everything Here Happens So Quickly

Today's date: Monday July 26th, 2010
Mood: Content

Today wasn't nearly as exciting as yesterday, but it was also pretty nice. We started our day over at the FDR center with a workshop on domestic violence. Some things presented in there left me worrisome. Some of the facts presented were old knowledge, but others were completely brand new. I've never seen that, I'd never grown up around any of it so it really stunned me. It both informed me of the "symptoms" if a bad relationship, but it also scared me. I never want to experience that, and what is important is if I can see the early signs I now know how to get out of it freely and efficiently. But what if I can't? What if I do get stuck? What if I am a statistic? And the fact that 1 in 4 women experience this... it sickens me. At the finish of this presentation we had a free write, and I titled mine "For Her." Her, or she, could be anyone, but I wrote it drain my thoughts on both an issue I can clearly see, and also to just throw around my then swirling ideas from the speaker. (It was really intense, and thinking back now I think it was the most intense of all the workshops Following this is an excerpt from my free write that I felt would nicely wrap up my feelings.)

I don't want her to be stuck like the others; it's no way to be or live. How could someone I care for so much be a statistic? How could she feel so weak? Everything seems unbalanced, and if only I could delete the issue at hand. It shakes me mentally, and in a sense I feel lost.

(So basically, at that point I was really shocked and I just didn't even know how to react to it. It was a really unsettling workshop for me, but it's better this way. What if I didn't know about this?)

Following that we had tours of both the FDR home and FDR's library. Even though I'd gone through them already, it was really nice seeing them again. With touring came tons of photos which brought my photo count to a nice 108, and only more are to come.

Before I continue, I just need to express that I'm so happy being surrounded by so many lovely people. The counselors, the tour guides, the presenters, the campers - all are great. We're becoming closer and closer, and at times I feel like I am beginning to know them better than I know my home friends. I don't think I could say one bad thing about any of them.

Anyways, back to the story. After the tours we had a workshop on both diversity and team building. We played all these games, and they were just so much fun. We played fruit bowl and another game with a path through the forest. It's real name escapes me at the moment. After, Maria and I had to define the term sexism. We decided that as a noun it was a bias or discrimination against the opposite gender.

So after that we did the Hudson Walking Bridge. The view was absolutely breathtaking! And more pictures were produced of course. How couldn't they be? Anyways, the view was gorgeous and I'm really glad we went. It gave us some nice exercise but it also provided us with a little social time as well. Great location, I'd love to return sometime.

Following that was the last workshop of the day. As much as I love Annett, it was a tad bit dry in certain parts, but at the same time it was interesting. It was on oppression, but I never got the true understanding until the very end. This was a new topic for me, but I can't speak for others.

"Cher" time was the best part though. I really liked it because it gave us a chance to really talk, and also it was so interesting. For example, Majd brought us gifts from Jordan. It was very thoughtful and nice of her. It was really cool hearing about her culture and Jordan. Some sang songs or played instruments, which was impressive, but I was pretty proud of myself since I was the first camper to stand up. As I walk up I remember some clapping, but it was really nice just being able to get up there. I think, or better yet hope, they saw it as somewhat brave, considering that my bravery is very limited, but also surprising because I am so soft spoken during the workshops. I got up and presented my viola string and talked about my playing in general. I feel like it was my first well done presentation in a long time. For this entire week I've promised to speak up at least one, so that was my second effort of the day.

New York City Tomorrow! And possibly shopping in time square Wednesday. That's good shopping, right?

With love,

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