Saturday, January 29, 2011

Social Justice Project

January 29th, 2011

I've finally started my social justice project! This is just a quick post to update, but I'll further explain it later. Lots of ideas planned, so I'm really really excited about it! Wish me luck!

The Blog: Campaign for Real Beauty

With Love,

Barbie Vs Real Woman

January 29th, 2011

My original social justice project just isn't working - other clubs aren't interested in collaborating, and to create a new club so late in the year has been dubbed "unthinkable." Lately, I've been trying to find something that I can actually accomplish that also caters to my interests. Lately I've found myself reading more into eating disorders, and having experienced one first hand, I feel like it's time for me to tackle the beauty myth. So far it's just in brainstorm mode, but I'm working on it. I am more than confident that I can work to help this.

Lately I've been toying with the idea of creating tee shirts, and my first idea was Barbie. She is the perfect example of hyperbole, or exaggeration, of the all American beauty. Although many don't consider how toys may affect the thought process, it is those toys which build the first layer of our thought foundations. Barbie's curvaceous body, yet somehow completely skinny at the same time is unrealistic. Her long neck and swooping back give her sex appeal. Yet do women really look like this? No, yet by the age of four or five we've already associated ourselves with this Utopian woman. I'm not blaming Barbie completely for the outbreak in eating disorders or having caused mine, but I think that she only added to a tough fight. Enjoy the article ladies.

Barbie Vs. Real Woman

With Love,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Body Image

January 18th, 2011

I read this article in Teen Vogue a month or two ago, and I finally found an online version. If you didn't already know, Teen Vogue to me is like the Bible for Christians - I love it. Not only do I love the fashion, but I also there usually are some good articles in the back that I like to read. Anyways, I just wanted to share this specific article with you guys because it relates to our "beauty myth" exercise that we did at GLW. It's a pretty interesting article - Teen Vogue basically hosted a "round-table," as they like to call it, and had a few girls discuss body image. I feel like some of it, and some not, speaks to our beauty myth discussion. I encourage critical thinking while reading completely.

Go Figure

With Love,

Saturday, January 1, 2011


January 1, 2011

The first post of 2011!
I can't believe it's already a new year. Where did 2010 go?

Anyways, to start off the new year, I felt it would be appropriate to start with a list of my new years resolutions.


1. Focus more in school - stop complaining about it, for all you know it could be the easiest part in life

2. You see your future clearly, so broadcast it. Tell all those people who have taken it upon themselves to decide your future for you that you've made up your mind. Take a stand - you and only you can create your own destiny.

3. Put the "fat" crap to rest. You're not fat and you know it. Stop criticizing yourself and how much you eat and for gaining a pound or whatever it may be - you're beautiful. It's about time you realize it.

4. Take first chair at orchestra camp this year. Practice your heart out - you can do it.

5. Ignore everyone who talks sh*t about you and spreads untrue rumors. It doesn't matter what they say, as long as you know the truth.

6. When it comes to boys, don't over think it anymore. Let the pieces fall where they will and don't look back. Do what's right for you.

7. When it comes to tennis, ignore the pressure from your team and coach. Higgins is gonna say some nasty things when you lose, but don't let it get to you. You can't win everything, and even if he can't accept that know that you'll always win as long as you give a fight to the finish.

8. Continue taking advice from Coldplay lyrics. It somehow always helps.

9. Read more and stop computer-ing. You always say that you should stop, but you never act upon it. NOW is the time to do it.

10. Just because you're growing up doesn't mean you can't spend time with your parents. Always remember that, because you might lose them before you know it. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS: don't get so angry with them sometimes. All they're trying to do is keep you safe. You mean everything to them.

11. Always, ALWAYS, believe in yourself. You're an intelligent young woman, so there is no reason to have self doubt. Give yourself a chance to shine.

With Love,